What is permitted in the Islamic law (Sharia Law) is called Halal. It applies to everything from food to everyday lives.
Islam is to obey the teachings of God (Allah), so eating something that is not Halal it would result in not obeying God (Allah), which means that you are committing a sin. Halal is very important for better life style and it is the root of Muslims (followers of Islam). The Quran teaches that pork and alcohol are harmful to the human body. Muslims regard Halal as a command of God for better safety for human being’s lifestyle. Halal is to exclude what is harmful or unnecessary to the body.
Anything that is not permitted according to the Islamic law (Sharia law). It includes things that we should avoid to eat or use, since it will have adverse effects on the human body.
Generally, there are four major things that you should know:
Therefore, before buying food we (Muslims) must check the contents of the food. Here is the list of materials that cannot be eaten.
Halal animal's meat are also Haram if not slaughtered by Islamic rule. (鳥 肉- Chicken, 牛肉 – Beef & 羊肉 /マトン- Mutton/Lamb, ヤギ肉-Goat)
Anything from below is defiantly Haram,
Lard is a semi-solid white fat product obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the pig. It is distinguished from tallow.
Fats a natural oily or greasy substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs.
1. Gelatin is a protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water. It is usually obtained from cows or pigs. a virtually colourless and tasteless water-soluble protein prepared from collagen and used in food preparation, in photographic processes, and in glue.
Type of Gelatin:If the above materials are substances derived from animals (動物性), it is Haram. While if the above material is plant-based ingredients such as vegetables (植物性), then it is Halal. Furthermore, this also is a symbol for a plant-based ingredients 乳化剤 (大豆由来) for emulsifier. Then it is Halal.
“Muslim-friendly” is known for not acquiring Halal certificate but putting effort into Halal. We work to offer Free Halal Certification to those Muslim-friendly restaurants because Muslims often avoid eating at places without Halal certification since it’s considered Shubha (to doubt).