Organization Profile

Name: Japan Muslim Access ®
Location: Hachijo 3678, Yashio-Shi, Saitama-Ken, Japan
TEL: 048-954-6964
FAX: 048-994-0787
Representative: Mr. Saleem Sandha
Establishment Date: March, 2017
Main activities: Halal certification approval for restaurants, accommodations, factories, Halal Consulting • Various Halal consultations • Halal seminar etc.

Philosophy / purpose

Halal food is not only for Muslims because it is a good and healthy meal for human beings in general. Nowadays Halal is highly demanded in Japan.
Our corporation gives advices and consultations related to Halal, such as consultation of Halal introduction, Halal certification, overseas certification acquisition, marketing and expansion of sales channels.
Overseas tourists whose purpose is to taste the delicious Japanese foods are the majority. However, we had heard many voices saying that they were not able to eat what they want to eat, only because it was not Halal.
In order to change such situation, JMA puts efforts into setting the certification cost to the minimum, and within the certification fee we will be your Halal coordinator and undertake general knowledge about Halal.
By all means, we hope that Halal Japanese products will be common not only in Japan but also all around the world.

Message from the Representative

Greetings (السلام عليكم). I am Saleem Sandha, belonging to Pakistani Memon community ( ) and the representative Director of JMA. About 32 years have passed since I came to Tokyo Japan.
When I first came to Japan, there was still no word like “Halal” here. There were no halal foods at all and I had a very hard time finding the food I could eat. It has been a long time since then, and the number of Muslims in Japan has increased, and there are many people who understands and Halal, Islam & Muslims. However, the countermeasures against Halal food and Halal are still not very remarkable, and it is true that we still have trouble to find it by ourselves. Until now, I have been doing a variety of activities, relying on the personal connections I have made in Japan. Each time, I wanted Japan to be much more comfortable country to live for Muslims, and so I decided to launch JMA corporation (Halal Promote & Issuance Halal Certificate Organization) in March 2017.
After I have acquainted with a lot of Japanese people and people from different countries, they started to try Halal food as a healthy diet, and they even accept it as a healthy food.
I believe that spreading Halal products is very beneficial for the Japanese: industrially, economically and for consumers.
It is hard to identify which ingredients are Halal or not in the products, especially for people from other countries facing Japanese language problem. By attaching the halal certification logo, Muslims will be able to purchase the products without having to worry, with peace of mind.
For the multicultural coexistence in Japan, I hope for all of you to lend us your power, so that we can work hard together and contribute to the promotion of Halal in Japan & start Halal Export chapter from Japan to the world.

Representative background

  1. Born in Pakistan Karachi and acquired electrical engineer in home country.
  2. Came to Japan 32 years ago & got Japanese citizenship 25 years ago.
  3. Engaging in vehicles export & local sales business for 27 years. Launched. J.P.International Co,Ltd.
  4. Representative Director and Founder of Japan Muslim Access.
  5. Served as representative director & chairman of a religious corporation, Jamea Masjid Yashio Japan for 15 years.
  6. Engaged in Travel & Tourism agency in Malaysia Kuala Lumpur for 5 years.
  7. Acquisition HDC Halal Assurance Management System qualification (Malaysia Kuala Lumpur).
  8. Acquisition of Travel & Tours Management qualification (TTMC).
  9. Acquisition of Travel & Tours Enhancement qualification (TTEC).
  10. General Association Japan Halal Enterprise Association Advisor.
  11. Asian Asia economic and cultural promotion organization Councilor.
  12. International Memon Organization (IMO) Board Member & Vice President of Japan.
  13. Ambassador of World Memom Day Council For Japan.
  14. Founder & Chief Officer of Japan Memon Organization (JMO).
  15. MLF Leadership Council general body Member(leading from Japan). Saleem Sandha - Memon Leadership Forum (MLF)


  • By acquiring Halal Certificate, we offer Halal sales channel consultation, overseas certification consultation (acquisition is also possible), and provides you Halal coordinate such consulting and marketing.
  • Certification fee will be presented in minimum cost. We do not pursue for profits.
  • We are working to increase the places where it is possible to provide Halal in Japan.

JMA Team

Representative Director: Sandha Saleem

Director & Board member: Bhandkia Imtiaz (Director of J.P. International Co., Ltd.) 

Secretariat: Haneishi Kumiko

Muslim/Halal Advisor: Sugimoto Kyoichiro (Chairman of NPO Chiba Islamic Cultural Center)

Legal Advisor: Yokosuka Eiji (Representative of Yokosuka International Legal Office)


  • Okada Ganji (CEO of Link Co.,Ltd / Representative of Nakahora Dairy Farm)
  • Kumazawa Takayasu (Executive Officer 0f Japan Halal Business Association, & Managing Director of Foodsway co., Ltd.)
  • Inoue Yasuharu (CEO of YASU Project Co., Ltd & Producer of Sports & Cultural TV
  • Ishizaki Mieko (President of Asia Brain Co., Ltd)
Sponsor By: J.P.International Co.,Ltd.