16   Oct   2019

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Support & Halal promote seminar by JMA with Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Mr.Shigeru Ishige & Mr.Uchida Koji Tokyo Olympic PB GM

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Support & Halal promote seminar by JMA with Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member Mr.Shigeru Ishige & Mr.Uchida Koji Tokyo Olympic PB GM


At the noodle industry hall in chiyoda ward, Tokyo this month, we had a simple Muslim meal seminar for the people of the Tokyo Noodle Cooperative Youth Department.

The Tokyo noodle cooperative is a member of the long-established soba store in Tokyo, and the representative of the " Ginkgo " Representative of the " Ginkgo " is the representative of the " Ginkgo " (National Noodle Association), and the representative of the Yokoi Brewery Co Ltd. Our seminar has come true this time with the development of the soba industry of the director of the director of the director of the company and the success of Tokyo 2020

In the seminar, we have proposed to make the Muslim meal menu with everyone and understand the Muslims.
This seminar was called the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Support Program, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly member, shigeru ishige, and the chief of the Tokyo Olympic Games Planning Adjustment Department, and the chief of the department of liaison and coordination, the chief of the department of Tokyo, was also rushed to support.
Also, we have announced our advice on Muslim meal as a representative of the IMO (Internatinal Memon Organization), as well as "all free" from the representative joined.

There are more shops in Japan that can offer the charm of the soba, and the Tokyo 2020, and even after the end, it will be able to hospitality with Muslims in the wonderful food culture of Japan!. I'm so excited It is!

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